Our Services - Rodger W. Linka Law Office

L A W   O F F I C E
2161 Scarth St., Regina, SK S4P 2H8

Tel: (306) 352-9676
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Our Services

Our Services
At Rodger W. Linka Law Office, our legal professionals offer a broad range of services.  Click on the links below to explore our offerings.
Civil Law

In Civil Law, an action is brought where a plaintiff claims they have suffered a loss as a result of a named defendant’s actions or negligence and demands a legal or equitable remedy.  Such an action may result in an award of damages, an injunction to prevent some action or an injunction to compel some action.  Some form of dispute resolution may be recommended or engaged in by the parties in order to effect a settlement outside of the courts.  

Our lawyers at Linka Howe Peterson can help you through this process.  Whether you are the plaintiff or the defendant, skilled representation is required in order to ensure a fair and equitable outcome.  

Copyright Rodger W. Linka
Law Office.


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